
Here we develop an approach to a vocabulary of making the living economy.

Originally 'keywording' was seen as an approach being adopted by others in OpenCoop, at Open2020, which would benefit from insights into the intentions and methodology of Raymond Williams' classic *Keywords*.

The idea of keywords, as a critical vocabulary of making a living economy, is adapted from the work of Raymond Williams.

However, the present wiki has now become an auxiliary to the main pattern language wiki: Making the living economy - Patterns. It holds the key words arising in the pattern language.

The key words arise as 'backstory' to the patterns in the pattern language. Each pattern is grounded in a set of broader conceptualisations, stories, genres and skills, which constitute its backstory. The backstory also makes reference to 'weather': current, countervailing, hegemonic patterns, which need to be overcome.

We'll organise the keywords here under the categories of the backstory component of a pattern: - Keywords - Concepts - Keywords - Stories - Keywords - Genres - Keywords - Skills - Keywords - Weather The categories are derived from the central dynamic of the Faculty of formaciĆ²n work Dance of knowing. Together, these constitute a substantial vocabulary of making the living economy.

> It would be nice to refine this vocabulary, in the way that Raymond Williams did. But we may not have the luxury of time for this - and anyway, the patterns do need a 'library' that supports the backstory of the patterns. So, pragmatically . . the work of refining should go into the pattern language: identifying the most pivotal patterns. And this keyword vocabulary might then be something of a ragbag. We may think more about this in Story of words


The schema below proposed an interweaving relationship between an approach of pattern language(ing) and an approach of keyword(ing). It still has some relevance to the present project of formaciĆ²n, and the relationship between keywords, patterns and a college based in pattern language(ing(.

Two interwoven approaches - keyword(ing) and pattern language(ing) - and the co-production practice of a college (podding and commoning)